Kamis, Maret 08, 2012

watch KONY 2012 and STOP JOSEPH KONY!!!

KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.

Donate to Invisible Children: www.causes.com/donatekony2012
Purchase KONY 2012 products: http://invisiblechildrenstore.myshopify.com/
Sign the Pledge: www.causes.com/konypledge

Selasa, Maret 06, 2012

movie's quotes #2

life is short to be little

life is short
you don’t have time to worry about everything
please give your best effort without avoiding confrontations until the end and win

===samurai high school (2009)===

malala paniang!!!

29 februari 2012
Berhubung mimin tidur di kos, maka timbullah rencana kami untuk jalan2 malam. Berawal dari keinginan mimin untuk tidur di jalan, maka tercetuslah ide itu.
“pai ka bukik wak lah min”
“pek nah”
Maka berangkatlah kami pukul setengah dua malam itu ke bukittinggi. Walopun perjalanan ditemani rinai hujan yang dingin, tapi akhirnya kami nyampe juga di bukit jam 4 :)
Ni bukti ny :)