Sabtu, Mei 21, 2011

'bout eviews (part 2)

kalo nyang cara maren gak bisa, bisa nyoba cara kedua ni

1. Burn "EViews6.iso" into a CD (Or DVD) to create a bootable CD (or DVD), and install it.

2. When asked about the serial number, type "demo", without quotes.

3. When you finish installing it, do not run the program yet.

4. Copy the crack file "EViews6.exe" (found in crack dirctory) to the dirctory, C:\Program Files\EViews6, and overwrite the original

5. Then, edit the registery.

Go to start -> run, and type "regedit". Then, search for something like:

[ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Quantitative Micro Software\EViews\6.00.000 ]

You will find something like this for example:

"License"="Mr Green~!753e98a0 - ce3e9d21 - 0050bfac - 1b001a7docsf~!demo                - R5FYFB-6V1N5R-A0VMGY-XDK2ME-2BRW07-HNMPRT"

The PC user name=Mr Green
The PC Identification Code=753e98a0 - ce3e9d21 - 0050bfac - 1b001a7docsf
The demo registration key=demo                - R5FYFB-6V1N5R-A0VMGY-XDK2ME-2BRW07-HNMPRT

noting that the PC user name, the PC Identification Code, and the demo registration key will not be the same as this example.

Now replace everything after the last two squares (demo                - R5FYFB-6V1N5R-A0VMGY-XDK2ME-2BRW07-HNMPRT) by this code
(you may copy it from here and paste there)

60C45678 - 75C919F6 - B15WSP - 81W5E4 - 5G8N7S - 9T49X4 - 1X07WW - WSHVB7

6. OK. it´s done. run eviews 6 and enjoy it for your study.


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